Mother of the year awards will be issued shortly…
In the recent sweep of street racing done by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office of the Houston, Texas metro area, two mothers were caught racing allegedly with their children in the backseat of a Dodge Challenger. Yep, we’ve entered the age of street racing mommies bringing their offspring along for the illegal, dangerous activity like it’s the same as going to the neighborhood park or the children’s museum. Exactly what this will do to the perceptions these kids have of muscle cars, street racing, obeying the law, etc. as they grow up remains to be seen.
Check out the Atlanta and Detroit street racing and street takeover busts here.
According to deputies, Angelica Chavez was driving at 101 mph while racing another Dodge Challenger late at night on public roads. Three kids were in the backseat of the muscle car, putting them at risk if either vehicle had lost control or hit another car not involved in the race.

While Chavez was booked into jail for racing on the highway, a family member was called and picked up the children.
Even worse, Karla Gutierrez was clocked doing 80 mph in her Cadillac (no model given, sorry) with her two children strapped into the backseat. Deputies say she was racing two other cars, but Gutierrez told the local news she wasn’t. Now she’s facing an endangering a child charge, which it sounds like she’s going to fight.
According to Gutierrez, she wasn’t pulled over by deputies but the other two cars were. Her sister was driving one of those vehicles, and later she called crying. When Gutierrez was called and told to return to the scene she was arrested. Cristian Cayento, who was driving one of the other cars, said the drivers weren’t racing just “going home after a family party.” Gee, we can’t imagine why law enforcement wouldn’t believe that. While the report doesn’t state the speed limit for where the three cars were driving, we’re going to guess it was significantly lower than 80 mph.
There’s a lesson here: when your kids are in the car you should drive extra cautiously. Street racing is stupid, doing it with your offspring is far worse.
Source: Click 2 Houston