It was a small purchase…
Comedian Kevin Hart took the plunge and gifted a Mercedes-Benz GLC to his daughter Heaven for her sweet 16th birthday. It reported retails for $85,000 but we’re not sure if this particular one was optioned beyond that or not, although that wouldn’t surprise us. Now people are either celebrating this “demonstration of love” because materialism is a manifestation of parental care or they’re ridiculing Hart for gifting a brand new luxury SUV to a new driver.
Check out Kevin Hart's new Ferrari 488 Pista here.
Let’s just take a step back from the whole issue of whether or not you should give a 16 year-old a new car of any kind for a moment. Consider this: Kevin Hart handed the keys to his extremely powerful, heavily modified, lightweight 1970 Plymouth ‘Cuda called Menace to his wife’s trainer’s fiancé, climbed into the passenger seat while his wife’s trainer rode in the deleted backseat, none of them wearing any restraints, and probably was surprised when the guy wrecked out gloriously. Based on that alone, we feel pretty safe in saying Hart’s judgment is questionable at best.
Still not convinced? Consider that Kevin Hart was spotted not too long ago driving his classic Ford Mustang while chatting and texting on the phone. Witnesses say he was weaving around in traffic and changing his speed erratically. Yeah, we wouldn’t label him as a role model for anyone, especially when it comes to anything dealing with cars.

But don’t worry, Hart had two red bows put on the Mercedes GLC, so it’s totally fine guys. And he had photographers on hand for the intimate family event, which just happened to get leaked on social media.
While not so common in these times of COVID-19 shutdowns and economic stress, it’s not unheard of for parents to buy a new car for their child’s 16th birthday. We’re not endorsing the practice at all. In fact, we think it’s a bad idea. Make your kid drive some jalopy for a while. They’ll learn to not only appreciate and hopefully properly maintain a nicer car, they’ll also have to learn a thing or two about fixing vehicles. Plus, it builds character. Trust us, we know from experience.