Nashville Police Bust Street Racers

Dec 1, 2020 2 min read
Nashville Police Bust Street Racers

They’re taking the gloves off in Tennessee…

Police in Nashville, Tennessee staged a street racing initiative over the weekend to curb the dangerous activity on public roads. Like many major cities, Nashville has become a hotbed for all kinds of exhibitionist displays behind the wheel, from drag racing to so-called street takeovers, which put the public in general at risk of property damage, injury, and even a violent death.

photo credit: Twitter

During the weekend sweep, police impounded 5 vehicles allegedly involved in street races. One of the cars proudly displayed by authorities was a white C5 Corvette. They also nabbed a BMW M3 and M4, plus a Nissan 350Z. A Chevy Camaro of unknown model year was also impounded.

photo credit: Twitter

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we don’t endorse street racing. If you’re going to send it on public roads, especially in a crowded city, be prepared to be pulled over by the police. Not only will you be facing a hefty fine, you might also be doing some jail time, serving probation, and your car’s going to be impounded, which will mean some big fees for that service. Even worse, you could seriously injure or kill someone.

With COVID-19 shutdowns, some people have thought the relatively empty roads were perfect for racing. However, in many areas the streets aren’t so empty any more with kids, the elderly, and other innocents just trying to go wherever they need. If someone has to lose their car to learn the lesson that street racing is stupid, so be it.

photo credit: Twitter

Over the weekend sweep, Metro Nashville PD said officers stopped 19 people for speeding, reckless driving, and other infractions. On Twitter some users were critical of the initiative, declaring “y’all got nerve” for supposedly just watching cars and wasting resources. Last time we checked, the police had the responsibility to make sure streets are safe, which includes busting street racers. Take it to the track or at least go somewhere so remote you won’t get busted or put anyone else in danger.

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