Teenager Destroys Stolen Camaro In DC Wreck

Oct 8, 2021 2 min read
Teenager Destroys Stolen Camaro In DC Wreck

The wild ride didn't end well.

Demontre Satterwhite-Walker, 19, has been arrested following a wild police chase behind the wheel of a stolen 2010 Chevrolet Camaro. According to police, at about 3:50 pm on October 5 the D.C. man stole the Camaro which belongs to a food delivery driver. The owner left the car running in the street as he ran a food delivery to a door, giving Satterwhite-Walker the perfect opportunity to jump in and drive off.

Watch a guy in a rental Corvette lead police on a wild chase here.

The Camaro’s owner called police, who tracked down the car with Satterwhite-Walker behind the wheel. The vehicle was stopped, but when an officer approached, Satterwhite-Walker rammed a police car and fled.

Apparently, Satterwhite-Walker watched one too many The Dukes of Hazzard episodes without realizing those General Lees got trashed, because during the ensuing chase he rammed a second police car. He also damaged 6 non-police vehicles.

With his crack driving skills, somehow Satterwhite-Walker ended up rolling the Camaro. Not realizing maybe he should give up instead of racking up more felony chargers, the man jumped out of the trashed car and tried to run away. It didn’t take long for cops to chase him down and arrest him.

Now, Satterwhite-Walker is facing a whole string of charges for motor vehicle theft, unauthorized removal of a vehicle, theft between $1,500 and $25,000, rogue and vagabond charges, multiple traffic offenses, and multiple first-degree assault charges. Somehow during all the carnage nobody was injured, which quite frankly is a miracle.

We’ve highlighted several times in the past how delivery drivers have been victimized by thieves as they leave their car running while running up to a door. Some thieves have even set traps by placing a fake order so they can lie in wait. Similarly, some people have simply left their key fob inside their car at night while it’s parked outside, making stealing it incredibly easy. Another growing trend is thieves stealing cars while the owners are fueling up. We hope most readers already know to not do this, but this is a reminder just in case.

Sources: ABC 7 News, NBC Washington

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