Behold Your Future Camaro And Weep

Feb 19, 2021 2 min read
Behold Your Future Camaro And Weep

Wow so muscle, much fast…

A pair of renderings were recently posted on Instagram via the GM Design account, both of them previewing what could become the future Chevrolet Camaro. It’s okay to cry, Camaro fans, just get it all out now before I continue. There, feel better? Good, let’s continue.

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Automakers have been increasingly using Instagram to show off not only past design concepts but also to float out what they’re considering for future vehicles. Sometimes it reminds me of a college-aged girl who posts selfie after selfie of her at the gym, on the beach, kickin’ it with friends, etc. In other words, it can be a little indulgent, but it also tells you a lot about the person, so there’s a utility to it.

These Camaro renderings sure give us a peek into the twisted minds of GM designers and it helps explain so much about why the current Camaro wears questionable design and why the Silverado has that weird stacked headlights and grille layout.

While the exterior rendering isn’t labeled as a Camaro, the fact it’s a coupe-like design (but are those clamshell doors?) combined with that weird narrow bar for the headlights and a few other features give it away. Other than that, it doesn’t look like an American muscle car in the least. As one Instagram user chided, it looks like a Honda. We actually disagree with that; it looks more like an Acura. Another keenly observed GM has “lost that Americana touch completely” and they’re not wrong.

image credit: Instagram

Then there’s the interior rendering, which apparently is a sketch. Everything is quite angular, because that means it’s a fast car or some such nonsense, eliminating any connection to the Camaro’s past since GM doesn’t want any of that nostalgic stuff. Digital screens abound because duh. There’s also a steering wheel which makes the C8 Corvette’s look attractive. Speaking of the C8, this designer is dreaming of putting the same dumb strip of controls in the Camaro. We think a Mobius Strip for the controls would add some soft lines to the interior and provide even more distractions for the driver, which seems to be the goal of automakers these days.

So there you have it, GM’s horrific vision of the future of the Camaro. I never thought I’d look at the current generation of the Camaro with fond nostalgia but this would do it.

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