Your opportunity is coming soon…
If you’ve ever dreamed of riding Circuit of the Americas, your opportunity is quickly approaching and it’s all thanks to BMW Motorrad. The German motorcycle manufacturer has reserved the track and is working with Nate Kern to host DoubleRFest 2021 on the same track which has hosted many MotoGP races. It involves people like you riding their motorcycles and learning to handle them better.
Motorcycle chariot races used to be popular. See them in action here.
Of course, Kern will be doing some instructing. Considering the man is a former Road Race Champion, he certainly has the qualifications to instruct even advanced riders. Oh, and this event will cater to beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders. You just have to bring your own bike.

The instruction is supposed to focus not only on better skills for effective and safe riding on a track but also techniques for navigating streets. With how dangerous it is thanks to cagers not paying attention as they drive their 4,000-pound SUV with reckless abandon, those kinds of skills could literally save your life. Plus, you’ll learn to ride quickly without pushing beyond your boundaries, in case you’re interested in doing any competitive events in the future.
The whole point of DoubleRFest is to get people interested in the BMW S 1000 RR and M 1000 RR. However, BMW is very upfront about the fact you don’t have to own either motorcycle or even a BMW to participate. That means you can bring your Harley, Kawasaki, or Norton and won’t be harassed for it. Hopefully they don’t try doing a hard sales pitch since that would backfire, but to be sure they’ll be at least soft peddling their wares.

During the lunchtime, if you want to take a BMW car for a spin, there will be M Hot Lap Rides offered on the circuit. That’s put on by BMW’s Performance Center Driving School. It sounds from the press release like you’ll just be doing a ride-along and won’t be actually driving the car, but that could still be fun.
Nestled on 1,500 acres not too far from downtown Austin, Texas, Circuit of the Americas not only has hosted some big MotoGP races, it’s also been used for Formula One races, the FIA World Endurance Championship, and many more events. It contains 20 turns and runs counterclockwise. When it was built, the naturally hilly terrain was incorporated into the contouring of the track, which accounts for the 133-foot hill at Turn 1, presenting quite the challenge for riders. That sort of fun stretches for 3.41 miles, so the laps aren’t as quick as on some shorter tracks out there.

If you’re interested in participating in DoubleRFest 2021, it will be held on September 11 and 12 from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, you need to register and spots are limited to just 40 riders, so it would be wise to act quickly. And the tickets aren’t free, so you know, but good instruction always costs. Register here.