It’s joining a growing list of cities to do so…
According to a new report from WXXI, the city of Rochester, New York plans to sue both Kia and Hyundai for failure to adhere to industry standards for anti-theft features in their cars. As we’ve covered before, certain Hyundais and Kias were made without an engine immobilizer, something virtually all cars have come with as standard equipment for at least the past twenty years.
Learn why insuring a Kia or Hyundai might not be an option here.
Kids on different social media platforms, including TikTok, have provided tutorials on how to steal these Kias and Hyundais using simple tools and a USB charging cable. The original group credited with starting this trend, called The Kia Boyz, are based out of Milwaukee, where thefts of Kias and Hyundais exploded a few years ago and have continued strong since.

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans held a press conference on April 24 to announce the city’s plan to move ahead with a lawsuit. “This problem is out of control,” Evans said. “And these costs should not be borne by the city, our residents or our businesses.”
Many municipalities have had enough of the rash of vehicle thefts, especially when Kias and Hyundais in many areas make up the lion’s share. Among those which have already filed suits are San Diego, Buffalo, Cleveland, Seattle, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Cincinnati.
The report indicated the plan was to file the lawsuit in California, where Kia and Hyundai have their base of operations in the US, with the help of a law firm based in Seattle. That same firm has been helping other municipalities as they seek damages from the automakers as well as injunctive relief from the court.
It’s no wonder Rochester is making this move, considering WXXI says Kia and Hyundai theft has increased 2,400% so far in 2023. Car theft in general is way up in the city with 1,063 vehicles stolen so far in 2023 versus just 387 during the same time period in 2022.
Image via YouTube, TikTok