This professional build has all the right ingredients for tire-scorching diversion.
Like most automotive enthusiasts, we love some crazy, interesting builds. We’ve seen all kinds of Frankenstein vehicles like this one, both goodand bad, but this Lucky Gunner 1976 Hemi Bug definitely sits on the good side of the spectrum. It’s crazy yet highly functional, because in the end looks do matter but performance is most important.

There’s no mistaking this as an even remotely stock ’76 Volkswagen Beetle. If the 5.7-liter Hemi V8protruding out of the hood isn’t a dead giveaway, the fact the car is chopped, slammed, and the giant tires are pushed well away from the body should be enough to clue anyone in.
Lucky Gunner built this car with a custom chassis and it’s understandable why. Not only would the Bug’s factory chassis not even begin to withstand the torque exerted by the Hemi V8, there’s probably nothing in those dimensions which would. That highly custom element helps to ensure you won’t see a bunch of copycat cars all over the place.
The current owner, Brandin, has put his own touches on the car. It was matte black when he took delivery and had Lucy Gunner graphics. He opted to have it sprayed a glossy Nardo Grey, a popular option from Audi Brandin finds useful for hiding some dust from the roads in his area.
As you can see in the video accompanying this article, the muscle Bug can burn rubber with the best of them. All that power is combined with a really low curb weight for plenty of fun on four wheels. In fact, Brandin says the engine cover has flown off a few times as he’s speeding along. One can only imagine the kind of spine-snapping acceleration this ride puts at your fingertips and how tempting it is to use that often.