And the results are heartbreaking…
Have you ever thought about possibly having a rare dream car of yours imported from some foreign country in hopes of someday having one for yourself? This is a real possibility that many car enthusiasts go through when considering purchasing an exotic. Of course, we're not just talking about supercars, either. Instead, the most cars you'll want to import will be mid-level sports cars that somehow made their way into pop-culture, such as the Supra, Silvia, or the famously illegal R34 GTR. However, this option is not entirely without risk, as one automotive enthusiast found along with nearly 4,000 other owners when a ship went down over a month ago.
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The vessel in question was the Felicity Ace, a cargo ship capable of high capacity loads ranging from cars to other types of vehicles. In a spectacular scene of fire and tragedy, the ship was sunk to the ocean floor with nearly 4,000 vehicles on board. Some of these vehicles included things like Volkswagons and Porsches and six Lamborghini Aventadors. However, the genuinely heartbreaking part of the story came in two distinct pieces. The first is service members shipping home their beloved enthusiast cars, and the second is an ultra-rare JDM special.

We've all seen how good a clean Honda Prelude build can be, but did you know about the exceptional performance trim that made them faster than nearly anything else on Japanese roads at the time? This model was referred to as the SiR trim, which came with an inline-four engine capable of 197 horsepower. While this may not seem like much for today's standards, the cars were made in minimal numbers making it a rare dream car for the owner. Unfortunately, along with losing his beloved JDM icon, he also is having trouble finding compensation for his car as the insurance company won't give him what he says it's worth. We hope all of the owners of these various cars are paid back for what they've lost, which may be possible now that the vehicles have been found.