Unearthed New Jersey Trolley Gets Restored After 108 Years

Aug 25, 2022 2 min read
Unearthed New Jersey Trolley Gets Restored After 108 Years

Over a century of work took a toll on this old trolley car.

The trolley, bus, and train stations of big cities have been a pretty big life saver for those who either can't afford a car or dont have the space for decades. As car enthusiasts, many of us have our own cars so we might not even understand the struggle of having to rely on something or someone else to get to work everyday. For those who needed it, the trolley was a particularly useful and pretty fun way of commuting which made it pretty iconic in the media. This particular one is a really cool example which was purchased after the trolley system in New Jersey had already ended and stored properly, making it a great piece of history to be restored and preserved.

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Originally built in 1914, this trolley seated about 50 passengers at full capacity which meant that a lot of people were using this car. It's cool to think about how many men and women were transported to their place of business and how it wouldn't have been possible without this relic of history. Somewhere down the line, the trolley system was swapped out for the current public transportation method making the use of the vehicle impractical for the local government. This eventually led to this particular vehicle being transported and used as a house for quite some time where it likely served its purpose well with a vintage exterior and great sheltering properties.

Once it's run as a make-shift house had served its purpose, this incredible vehicle was stored indoors which is the perfect way to keep history like this alive. Over time, it's clear that the smaller details began to fade with much of the car being rotted and eaten by moisture. However, the frame is still in very good shape and will likely serve as a great base for the restoration process. That's right, this trolley is currently being prepped for restoration with big plans in mind from the builder. When all is said and done, this will likely prove one of the coolest projects featured in the modern day automotive community and were excited to see how it turns out.

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