This takes some serious cajones…
Car theft is rampant these days and one popular target for thieves is dealerships. While some criminals break into car dealers at night, boosting as many vehicles as they can before the police show up, others like the guy who took a new C8 Corvette just steal cars from the dealerships right in front of the employees in broad daylight.
Watch some thieves almost kill a dealership employee for a car here.
Posted to Reddit, the video we’ve embedded shows an unnamed dealership where what looks like a salesman is standing next to a red C8 Corvette parked right outside the glass doors on a cement pad. You can hear the V8 rumbling as the sales guy stands next to the American sports car, likely trying to talk to the guy inside (but the video quality isn’t good enough for us to tell for sure).

Someone inside the dealership says, “He’s gonna drive the car” as the Chevy pulls forward slightly while the salesman tries grabbing the door handle. The guy behind the wheel stops for a moment and it’s obvious the dealer employee is talking excitedly at that point, probably because he realizes the guy is flirting with stealing the Corvette.
People inside the dealership start asking where the guy thinks he’s going, but we all know the answer to that question. As the C8 keeps rolling forward someone calls out that the police need to be called. Only seconds later, the guy punches it and the Corvette speeds away. The dealership employees seem astounded, the man outside putting his hands up like he doesn’t know what to do.

This is the sad reality we’re living in today where test drives turn into robberies. There’s a lot of discussion about what’s fueling this trend, from judges going light on car theft (and other crimes) to the chip shortage making thieves bolder. Whatever is causing this, dealerships need to adapt and take more precautions or they’ll suffer more losses like this one.
Check out the video for yourself (warning: language).