He did one very stupid thing…

According to a report from TMZ, our media outlet of choice, singer Rihanna’s driver’s car was allegedly stolen right outside her home in the Los Angeles area. Try to contain your shock that a vehicle was boosted in Southern California of all places because it’s really quite jarring to realize such things are happening.

Watch a Los Angeles street takeover end with a Hellcat crash here.

The driver told police he swung by Rihanna’s house in his 2012 Audi sedan (TMZ doesn’t think the model is important – we disagree) to grab something from inside. In an act of what we can only attribute to sheer stupidity, the guy left the car running while he entered the house, then was shocked to come out and find it was gone.

You can blame the perception that rich and affluent people have that nothing bad happens in their neighborhoods, but the guy probably isn’t as well-off as his boss. Also, this sort of thing goes on in middle class and poor neighborhoods. If you’re going to leave your ride running, you best stay with it or someone else might help themselves. This is true even if you don’t think your car is worth much, trust us.

Since we don’t know what model this Audi was, we’re not sure if it had a keyless ignition or not. However, many newer vehicles do and that has led to people not only leaving their cars running but just leaving the key fob in the cupholder or somewhere else inside. This means a potential thief only has to try the door handle, then the ignition button to drive away with the ride. Don’t do this.

We’ve covered how delivery drivers have been targeted for car thefts because they often leave their rides running as they take a package up to a doorstep. We get why someone wouldn’t want to stop and start their car repeatedly every day, but having it stolen is worse.

Source: TMZ

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