Ford Mustang Outsells Dodge Challenger

Apr 13, 2023 2 min read
Ford Mustang Outsells Dodge Challenger

But wait, there’s more…

The American muscle car wars might not be raging for much longer, however for the first quarter of 2023 we have a new king: the Ford Mustang. Actually, the Mustang is the old king, only it’s been displaced from its throne for the past few quarters by the Challenger. And so the bad blood between Dodge and Ford fans continues to rage as they argue about which brand and muscle car is best.

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For Q1 2023, Ford reported 14,711 Mustangs were sold in the US. That’s an impressive number considering for Q1 2022 it sold 13,986. Meanwhile, Stellantis says Dodge Challenger sales for Q1 of this year totaled 11,371, up slightly from the 11,124 sold in Q1 of last year. But that wasn’t enough to edge out the Mustang. Insert the sad trombone music here.

We know some people don’t consider the modern Dodge Charger to be a muscle car since it’s a full-size sedan, but then again there are people who argue the modern Mustang and Challenger are pony cars not muscle cars. That said, the Dodge Charger still absolutely creamed the Mustang in sales with 22,128 sold for Q1 2023, a 43% jump from the 15,439 sold in Q1 2022. Perhaps this is why it’s rumored Ford is working on a Mustang sedan? And here we’ve been told repeatedly the sedan is “dead” and people only want crossovers.

As a side note, Ford reported 5,407 Mach-Es (don’t call them Mustangs) were sold during Q1 2023. That’s actually a big drop from the 6,734 sold for Q1 2022, a 19.7% drop to be exact. Does this mean the fascination with the all-electric mommy mobile is waning? Perhaps, but it will be interesting to see how it fares the rest of this year.

Images via Ford, Stellantis

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