One of 15 black Audi A5s employed for filming the opening chase from Skyfall has surfaced for sale on the market
While Audi’s A5 continues to resonate as the chosen vehicle for those hell-bent on exercising their ego, it’s easy to forget that the sleek A4 saloon-based Coupé boasts genuine 007 connections.
Employed as Patrice’s (Ola Rapace) getaway vehicle during the opening scenes of Skyfall, the 2007 Audi is clocked by Moneypenny (Naomi Harris) and Bond (Daniel Craig) before engaging in automotive carnage with their MI6-issued Land Rover Defender 110 Crew Cab.
However, the A5 doesn’t last long before falling foul of an Istanbul bazaar. Having been repeatedly rammed by Moneypenny’s Defender, the Audi smashes through several market stands upon performing a rollover even Lassie would be proud of.
Despite only appearing on screen for roughly 120 seconds (without using indicators, no less), no less than 15 A5 vehicles were utilized for filming. None of which came from Audi themselves. Rather, each vehicle was purchased by EON’s production team. And this example now for sale is one of the survivors.
It’s not exactly stated on the Orlando Auto Museum advert quite where this Audi fits in with the action, but as it’s devoid of damage, we would wager that it featured during the first half of the movie's chase. It could even be the very car that yanked on the handbrake for an impressive slide within the first few seconds of automotive action.
Although Skyfall’s chase scene was short, the pursuit featured numerous unusual elements that required strict, and highly specific, preparation of the car. Some were prepped for hurtling down tight streets, while others were equipped for the stunt work.
Several A5s underwent surgery for placement on a special rig, used for capturing the moments where the Land Rover and Audi are engaged in full warfare. This allowed full control of the rate of spin that occurred when Moneypenny’s Defender collides with the black A5 Coupé.

Furthermore, this was Bond film production! With a budget far exceeding most other action flicks, stunt choreographers were granted multiple cars prepped for the same gag. Apparently, four Audis were rigged for the crash scene, with another two specifically welded and engineered for up-close camera work. That’s more than $200k worth of car for a small number of onscreen moments.
By the powers of deduction, with the A5’s lack of roll cage, camera mounts, and superficial mutilation – this Skyfall Audi escaped the brash impact of Bond’s stunt team. You’ll be forever searching the rushes for a glimpse of your new purchase, but who cares about what exact frame it appears?
This is your chance to acquire a legitimate, undamaged Bond villain’s car. Such an opportunity rarely materialises. Get a closer look at the 2007 Skyfall Audi A5 here.