The Photobombs Of Monterey Car Week

Aug 13, 2021 2 min read
The Photobombs Of Monterey Car Week

These unexpected appearances can really liven up a photo.

Taking a picture of a stationary object with objects in motion everywhere can be a dance. We're not complaining, we love to see people everywhere, back out enjoying the car scene after a year of shutdowns, actually, we've become quite amused at the cutting room floor of photos from our field photogs, and here some highlights from  Monterey Car Week, compliments of Zach Roach, our Director of Marketing.

This is a subtle two-fer photobomb, do you think they planned this?

How many shades of blue can you count in this photo?

Is there anything photo-bombers love more than their pockets? We need to know.

No sir, no autographs today, there's too much work to be done here.

Was it something someone said? Sometimes you have to stop mid stride to see if they know who they're talking to.

Why does the Porsche seem to be staring right back at this gentlemen? They are most definitely lost in gaze.

If nothing else, this gentlemen acts as a great size reference to demonstrate that tall people can't always go fast and loose with car collecting, you've got to make sure you can fit.

A couple who photobombs together, stays together. We admire this couple's commitment to crash the shot with love.

That's a killer car viewing stance, sir, you look very sturdy in your admiration.

And the best for last, our beloved CEO, Neil Pitt, was going to make Roach work this shot!

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