Stolen Family Car That Was Auctioned Has Been Returned

Feb 14, 2024 2 min read
Stolen Family Car That Was Auctioned Has Been Returned

Finally someone did the right thing…

It seems like dishonesty and taking advantage of others who are in a bad situation has become so incredibly common these days. We’re not quite sure if a tow company in Florida did the right thing out of a change of heart or because the local news shined a bright light on what was going on, but either way a family that had its vehicle stolen, then recovered by the tow company, and was supposedly sold at auction has gotten that car back.

Find out why thieves are targeting tow trucks here.

As reported by WFLA, back in April a father woke up one morning and found the family’s Ford Flex was missing from the driveway. He called the authorities and reported the theft, never imagining what would happen next.

A week later, the guy underwent a life-saving kidney transplant, his wife donating one of hers in an act of love. A few weeks later, they received a letter in the mail from a local tow company informing them that their stolen Ford was there but that they’d have to cough up a good sum of money to get it back. And that total was increasing daily, as anyone who’s dealt with tow companies know they’re wont to do.

Then they were informed that because the family didn’t pay the ridiculous fees to get their stolen car back, it was sold at auction, even though it had been reported as stolen. According to the report by WFLA that’s not supposed to happen per state law, which sounds right to us, but we’re not attorneys.

As one might imagine, this sort of news coverage is bad for business, so it’s not a surprise the owner of the tow company came by the news station’s studio to talk to the investigative reporter who was digging into the story. The guy called the whole thing a “misunderstanding” and gave the family their stolen vehicle back for free. What a guy.

What’s really interesting is the two sheriff’s offices involved in the vehicle theft investigation said they told the tow company the Ford Flex was stolen. But the tow company claimed they didn’t. We’ve seen this sort of thing way too many times. Thankfully in this case everything turned out fine in the end.

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