Apocalyptic Prowler Starting Life As A Gladiator Quickly Turns To A Life Of Action

Aug 26, 2021 1 min read
Apocalyptic Prowler Starting Life As A Gladiator Quickly Turns To A Life Of Action

2021 Apocalypse Hellfire 6X6 doesn't let us down!

Today's world is largely filled, for most people, with the ever-growing concern regarding the unknown. While most people like to cope in various ways including ignoring it, living in constant fear, etc. However, some choose to face the abyss and prepare for a dangerous situation in the most defiant way possible. This Is where this car comes into play, with six gigantic tires pushing this Apocalyptic workhorse to the limit it might just be the perfect wasteland warrior. This comes as no surprise when you realize that the platform that brought the world some of the greatest military transporters to ever be used.

Of course, I'm talking about the ever-so-famous jeep and their even more incredible pickup truck, the Gladiator. Now, the Gladiator is already a pretty intense truck. However, some people require a bit more bulk on their precious apocalyptic prowler. Under the hood, there are three different options for engines. You can get the 3.0-liter turbo diesel V8, the Chevy LS3, or the incredible Hellcat engine. All of these motors are powerful and reliable which is exactly what you want this truck to be. That power is sent to all six wheels to allow for maximum utility.

The exterior of this particular truck is coated with a Kevlar three-part epoxy which gives a matte gray color to fit the truck's utilitarian style. Unfortunately, this specific model is not bulletproof. However, that is an option available with the purchase of one of these incredible behemoths. The interior is a little less bare-bones than the exterior might suggest with a luxurious leather interior with color combinations of the buyer’s choosing. As far as apocalyptic, there seems to be no substitute for this insane 6X6 warrior truck.

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