1937 Chevy Coupe Stolen While Owners Slept

Aug 24, 2021 1 min read
1937 Chevy Coupe Stolen While Owners Slept

Hate to see this happen…

Police in the City Of Tonawanda, New York have announced the theft of a 1937 Chevy Coupe. The classic car was taken some time during the night of August 19 at a home located on Wales Avenue. We hate to see collectable vehicles stolen, so please help spread the word so this Chevy is located and returned to its rightful owners.

Find out how easy it is to steal classic cars here.

Information from a local news report is admittedly pretty thin here. However, we have a photo of the classic car, so that hopefully helps with its return. Police did tell journalists the Chevy was fully restored and in “mint condition.” The owners claim it is worth over $60,000.

Per a local report, the New York license plate for the ’37 Chevy is “GMN 9025.” Obviously, a thief could easily swap that out, but they might be stupid enough to hold onto the plate as a souvenir, even if they’ve sold the car or shipped it elsewhere.

Sadly, this is a reminder that all owners of collectable cars need to remain vigilant. We’ve seen car thefts surge in the past 18-plus months, likely due to a variety of factors. In some cases, thieves have posted wildlife cameras around a person’s home to learn when they typically are gone but the target vehicle is left behind.

We don’t know if this classic was left inside a garage or not overnight, but parking in one and securing the door manually instead of relying on an automatic opener is wise. Using surveillance cameras is another big plus since it can provide evidence if someone swipes your vehicle – something which doesn’t seem to be available for this case.

The City of Tonawanda is a suburb of Buffalo. Anyone who might have information about the theft of this 1937 Chevrolet Coupe or know its whereabouts is encouraged to contact City of Tonawanda police at 716-692-2121.

Source: WKBW

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