You Shouldn’t Want The Corvette To Be A Supercar

Mar 21, 2023 1 min read
You Shouldn’t Want The Corvette To Be A Supercar

Exclusive cars are hard to find.

Recently, people have been calling the Chevrolet Corvette one of America’s most iconic supercars. There are some pretty obvious problems with that classification as the Corvette is pretty much nothing like a supercar in many ways. It has the performance to compete, to be truthful it always has had that. Rather the place that the Corvette fails to impress most supercar owners is its exclusivity. So rather than focusing on what makes the new Z06 Corvette supercar there is a much deeper question to be answered. Why would anybody want it to be?

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Think back to the 1950s, European sports cars were dominating the market with very few performance options available to American marketplace consumers. In 1953 the Corvette came in and knocked down the competition with a violent thrust of performance and good looks. For the rest of its production, the Corvette has always been an attainable goal for any enthusiast willing to work their butts off to get to it. Very rarely did the Corvette jump to a point where middle-class Americans weren’t able to afford it. That was until very recently.

With the introduction of the C8 platform enthusiasts are treated to many cool new features such as the stark realization that they may never be able to afford the car they looked up to his kids. It’s no secret that used and new car prices have been going up like crazy for the past few years but now that pretty much every base model Corvette comes with it’s very own $20,000 dealer markup price it’s getting harder for car people to achieve what was once a very real and attainable goal in American cars culture. So the truth of the matter is, even if the Corvette isn’t considered a supercar now, trust me you don’t want it to be.

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