How incredibly disrespectful…
On August 7, two classic American cars made an appearance at a junkyard racer circle track in the UK, getting destroyed in the rough-and-tumble competition. Then some internet detectives realized something shocking: both cars were stolen. It’s the kind of story which makes the blood run cold in every enthusiast with a classic sitting in their garage or driveway.
Scotland has a car firebomb problem. Learn more here.
You might not think the 1985 Ford LTD County Squire was something special since it’s the ultimate grocery getter. However, we bet the owner cherished the wagon considering it looked to be in excellent condition before it was stolen.
Most enthusiasts are going to mourn for the death of the 1965 Pontiac Grand Prix. It along with the other classic ride were repainted and gutted of most of their interior, the glass taken out, all in preparation for some Mad Max antics on a dirt oval.

Once people figured out what happened and posts were made online, someone contacted the car owners as well as the police. According to the owner of Ringwood Raceway, the police and one of the vehicle owners called to say they were on their way, instructing that nobody was to touch the classic rides.
Ultimately, both vehicles were covered by insurance. Perhaps someone will buy them at auction and turn them into something special again. The thieves obviously just saw a quick score. We don’t know if the people who raced the vehicles stole them or what since the police investigation is ongoing. Whatever the answer, this seems to be a truly bizarre occurrence.
Commenters argued about how common it is for junk racers to swipe rides instead of paying for something to destroy. The track now has the policy that all racers must provide proof of ownership of their vehicle before racing.
Source: Road & Track
Photos via Twitter