The Ohio State Highway Patrol is using these seized high-performance cars taken from drug stops.
We’ve seen a few repurposed (formerly) drug dealer owned muscle cars and sports cars floating around on the streets, and know Florida is in the full-swing of repurposing high-performance seized cars, and these are the latest examples. Up in Ohio, at the Ohio Highway Patrol has welcomed a few of these cars into their Lima Post, but they’re not being used for what you would think they are being used for…
Check out this police outreach Hellcat here.
While you look at a police seized C7 Corvette and C5 Camaro, you’re probably expecting that they’re reeling down super speeders and used as pursuit vehicles, but that’s not the purpose of these particular cars. While dressed fully in patrol livery, they don’t roam the roads looking for traffic offenders, but spend their time living the leisurely life of show cars.

These seized Chevys are set to be on display with state troopers to teach drivers to drive more safely. Basically, they’re the lure to get citizens to talk to troopers about keeping the roads safe, which is a more interesting initiative than speaking to 3rd graders about drugs.
Both the Chevy Corvette and Chevy Camaro were seized by the Ohio Highway Patrol during drug stops earlier this year, but it seems like they didn’t come from the same stop or owner. These high performance Chevys were then inspected and cleared before being repurposed and outfitted with the Ohio Highway Patrol logos and sirens.