Los Angeles police are hunting a car thief…
We hate car thieves as do virtually all enthusiasts and normal people in general. It’s easy to see why in the Wild West a horse thief was treated so severely, but in areas like Los Angeles those who can’t help but liberate others’ vehicles are often given sweet deals with little to no jailtime. Still, Los Angeles police are on the hunt for a specific car thief who was seen drifting a stolen Dodge Charger during a street takeover.
Watch a Los Angeles takeover end with a Hellcat crashing here.
We just wish that once this guy was caught the lovely district attorney there would throw the book at the crook. But don’t hold your breath since this is the same DA who sent a man who plowed down a mother and her infant with his car to what’s essentially a step below a summer camp.

As reported by NBC Los Angeles, the owner of the stolen Dodge Charger was shocked to see his car in a video of a local street takeover. We honestly don’t know why the guy would be so shocked, unless he’s been living under a rock.
Street takeovers have become just a part of daily life in Los Angeles and some other cities. And as we’ve said repeatedly, many of the cars that participate in them are in fact stolen. Others that aren’t stolen often use stolen parts because the owners absolutely thrash them for TikTok and Instagram likes. And they say social media isn’t harmful.

Take a look at the images authorities have of the accused car thief (remember, innocent until proven guilty). If you know anything about this guy or the Dodge Charger he was flogging that isn’t his, use the contact info on the flier included in this article to report that. We know LAPD sometimes pays out big money for tips, so you might get a little something extra other than the satisfaction of helping the police catch a car thief so the DA can let him go back to stealing more cars.