This is no replica!
You know a car is enjoyable when companies spend the time and money to create replicas of it, and that's the case with the Austin-Healey 3000. While replicas and V8-swapped 3000s are plentiful, finding one as original as this 1963 Austin-Healey 3000 is more of a challenge, and this one will be up for grabs in December through Raleigh Classic Car Auctions.

Just looking at this Austin-Healey and it's easy to see why so many people fall in love with British roadsters. The proportions of the car have the driver sitting almost on top of the rear axle, while the long nose and arched hood helps make room for the 3.0-liter straight-six putting out 134 horsepower. This dual carbureted engine was peppy and helped make the lightweight 3000 incredibly fun to drive.
This particular example is in stunning condition with a beautiful blue-over-white paint job, wire wheels and a blue tonneau cover to keep the interior protected from the sun and rain when parked. The Mark II BJ7 body style (1962-63) was recognizable by its wraparound windshield, which allowed the Austin-Healey 3000 to offer roll-up windows. The 1963 Austin-Healey 3000 you see here has been meticulously maintained and well-preserved over the years, and it's ready to bring a new owner years of driving enjoyment.

If you're looking for a classic car that is as fun to drive as anything else out there, this 1963 Austin-Healey 3000 sports convertible is the perfect choice. This beautiful example will be available at the Winter 2019 Raleigh Classic on December 6 - 7 along with a wide variety of other classic and collectible vehicles that will be crossing the auction block. If you want a shot at being the winning bidder for this iconic British roadster, then be sure you're registered to bid.