Customers File Lawsuit Against Hertz For False Arrests

Jul 22, 2022 2 min read
Customers File Lawsuit Against Hertz For False Arrests

Hertz is being accused of ‘ruining innocent lives’ by filing false police reports.

We reported on the Hertz mess a few months, but there’s been some recent developments to catch up on. One being that a group of former customers have moved forward in taking legal action against the car rental giant. 47 people, so far, as in on the suit, saying they were completely caught off guard when they were arrested, and some even citing losing their jobs as a result.

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“(I) thought it was going to be a good time, but it didn’t end up that way,” he said. “The whole thing was pretty awful.” Drew Seaser said about his family trip to Mexico to celebrate his daughter’s high school graduation.

As they got ready to board their flight and gave U.S. Customs his passport, he got the shock of his life. “So we handed him my passport. He [said], ‘Mr Seaser, are you aware there is a warrant for your arrest out of Georgia?’ I was like, ‘No, I’ve never been to Georgia,’” Seaser recalled. “I couldn’t believe it. I thought someone was joking.”

The sheriff’s office then showed up to arrest the Colorado father in front of his wife and children in the middle of the airport, and taking him to jail.

“I still just couldn’t believe it. I told anybody who’d listen that I’d never been to Georgia and this was all a misunderstanding, but they were just doing their jobs based on the information they had," Seaser said.

The cause of the arrest ended up being from a rental from Hertz in 2020, but it wasn’t even the right driver’s license number, he had no rented the car.

This is one of many similar stories people are coming out and sharing about being surrounded by cops, claiming Hertz has failed to do their due diligence.

47 people have no come forward to sue Hertz, with claims such as false imprisonment and traumatic experiences. One woman allegedly spent 14 days in jail, with no one to watch her child.

This is likely the start of many suits, even thought Hertz has no changed their policies. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out in court.

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