Are you looking forward to this?
To get everyone primed for the new Jessi Combs documentary which is about to drop, HBO Max has released the official trailer. The feature, titled The Fastest Woman on Earth will debut on the streaming service October 20 and the footage shared looks incredible. Given the reputation HBO has cultivated over the years, that’s hardly surprising, but it’s good to see they didn’t cheap out for this project.
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We all know the ending of this story, but like a Greek tragedy the adventure isn’t in the conclusion but the journey along the way. To get a peek into what made Combs tick, why she put it all on the line, that’s the real draw here. She was definitely a unique woman and it may be a long time before another like her comes along.

“I’m not afraid of dying, but I’m not ready to die,” Combs says in the trailer. That’s enough to put a shiver down your spine since we all know the twist ending. She knew the level of risk in what she was doing – how couldn’t she? Yet instead of shrinking back, she leaned into it, acknowledging the risk openly. There’s wisdom in that, there’s something everyone can learn from her attitude.
As the trailer also hints, Combs paid a price more than just losing her life to chase after the land speed record. She sacrificed having a family or even a romantic relationship. It was obviously a deeply personal decision and one we’re not advocating, but for anyone who thinks her career was all just glory and the admiration of the masses, she suffered just like the rest of us do, even if her suffering was unique in some ways.

Maybe that makes her death more tragic for you or maybe it makes her even more of a heroic figure, or maybe both at the same time. But we’re willing to bet through this documentary people will be able to get to know Combs better than before and understand what she was about at her core, not just as the fastest woman on the planet, but also an individual.
Check out the trailer for yourself.
Images via YouTube