History has been preserved…

A building inferno in the Otago region of New Zealand might have brought the roof down on it, but a 1930 Dodge survived the trial by fire. The six-alarm blaze, which occurred on July 4 of last year, destroyed most of the building. Yet recently crews discovered the classic car in the wreckage and as you can see by the photos, it looks pretty good. Call this a testament to the saying that they sure don’t build them like they used to.

Read more stories of fire and water on Motorious here.

From the looks of it, not even a pane of glass was damaged on the car. There doesn’t appear to be any significant damage to the body, either, but no clear shots of the roof were available through local media. It would be safe to assume the classic Dodge was sheltered from the roof collapse somehow, a fact which the owner of the car is probably giddy about. After all, imagine you lost something so rare and valuable, likely with a strong sentimental connection, only to find out over a year later that it’s in seemingly perfect condition. We’ll call this nothing less than a miracle.

The old building was home to a clothing store called Wolfenden and Russell, which had been around for a century. However, the business closed back in 2013 and never reopened. It’s unclear why the classic Dodge was parked inside or if any other vehicles were stored in the building. If so, they didn’t survive, but this little Mopar emerged looking ready to cruise the town.

At the time of the fire, the firefighter area commander in a news interview said even though the business was closed, someone was living in the building. Thankfully, that person wasn’t home when the blaze erupted, which was contained primarily to the roof.

Source: Otago Daily Times

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