C8 Corvette Sells For A Whopping $255,000

Jul 20, 2022 2 min read
C8 Corvette Sells For A Whopping $255,000

Someone really wanted it…

We’ve all heard plenty of stories of dealers marking up the C8 Corvette to ridiculous levels thanks in no small part to monstrous demand. However, demand for the mid-engine Corvette is super high in Australia thanks to enthusiasts there having to import and convert the sports cars for right hand drive. The first of the factory right-hand-drive models just auctioned through Lloyds Auctions, fetching a lofty $255,000 AUD or about $174,000 USD at the current exchange rate.

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Australians have been on waiting lists for the C8 Corvette since the mid-engine sports car launched in North America. They’ve been eagerly following the lucky owners of C8s on social media, fantasizing about what it would be like to own an exotic American performance vehicle. For some, that wait is almost over.

This marks the beginning of more affordable factory C8 Corvettes arriving in the Down Under as well as those other oddball right-hand-drive markets. To kick things off, GM Specialty Vehicles says it will bring in about 240 C8 Corvettes to be distributed among dealers. Another shipment of unspecified size will be arriving sometime later in the year.

Even still, here in the US the C8 Corvette is a hot commodity. Thanks to parts shortages, a strike, and even tornadoes production has been hampered some. GM has absolutely no trouble selling every production slot available and with the upcoming launch of the Z06 model, sales should continue to be brisk for some time.

With the C8 Corvette finally arriving in official capacity in Australia, there’s another impending event: the first crash of one of the cars. It’s happened far too many times here in North America as owners feel overly confident with the handling dynamics of their mid-engine Corvette, then all hell breaks loose. We doubt this car that sold for over a quarter of a million dollars will be sitting in shambles, but someone is going to get careless sooner or later with another one.

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