Make Your Classic Leather Seats Clean Again

Apr 18, 2019 1 min read
Make Your Classic Leather Seats Clean Again

It’s time to make the interior of your classic ride shine.

Thanks to Leather Repair Company, a leather restoration and care line from the UK, we have some guidance for deep cleaning classic leather seats. The company produced a YouTube video which provides some solid tips anyone with leather upholstery should check out.

Classic cars are great to own, but if yours has a serious amount of grime on it, restoring the original luster can be difficult. This is especially true with leather seats. But you can’t just start scrubbing with cleaner and expect everything to look fantastic. There’s a specific method to use for the kind of success that will impress everyone.

First off, you need to dust off the seats, otherwise the grime can actually scratch the leather. After that, it’s time to apply the leather cleaner, which you should do wearing gloves. The company suggests using the LRC1 Classic Car Leather Cleaner featuring built-in leather aromas for a true restoration. Using the Brucle brush, you gently rub the cleaner into the leather’s surface, after spraying the cleaner onto it and not directly onto the seat. From there, a nice pass with a terry towel wipes away the grime released from the leather, restoring its natural look.

Leather restoration is a key component of many classic car projects. You might have considered just having the leather removed and replaced with something modern, even though that wouldn’t be a faithful restoration of your ride, just because fixing it seemed impossible.

A thorough cleaning of the surface can help you to realize that the leather is actually is much better shape than you previously believed, making the restoration process easier and more fulfilling. While new leather has its appeal, cleaning the original seats is not only less expensive, but keeps the feel of the car interior identical to when it first rolled off the dealership lot years ago.

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