Rodents Snacking On Cars Is An Exploding Problem

May 7, 2024 2 min read
Rodents Snacking On Cars Is An Exploding Problem

Guess what’s causing this problem to increase dramatically…

Mechanics are noticing a sharp uptick in cases of rodents snacking on different areas of cars and doing plenty of damage. This problem isn’t new at all, but it’s becoming far too common lately. What it really comes down to is with cars sitting longer periods of time without moving, thanks to the coronavirus-related shutdowns, rodents are taking advantage of the nice food and shelter.

Of course, anyone who has one or more classic cars which might sit for an extended period of time with little to no use already knows the potentially for rodents to invade. The general public, however, seems to be catching up on that risk. When a rat chews through an engine harness, the result can be a repair bill for a few hundred dollars.

The problem is so bad, some mechanics are seeing seven times as many rodent damage cases on cars than what they would normally, according to a Detroit Free Press report. Some shops have discovered the little critters have died in tight spots, making removing the dead body as well as the nesting material necessary, a time-consuming task car owners have to shell out handsomely to have done.

Not helping matters is the fact a growing number of new cars have plant-based wiring insulation. While they might still chew on petroleum-based material, that “green” feature could actually work as an attractant. With the CDC warning rodents could be extra aggressive thanks to restaurants not providing food scraps in garbages, your car could become the next best thing to a meal.

What do you do to keep the rodents away from your car? Driving it regularly is a good way, but that’s not always possible. Keep your garage and the area around it free of clutter, which basically rolls out the red carpet for rats, mice, etc. Check the engine bay and front wheel wells of your vehicle regularly. There are all kinds of rodent repellants you can use around your car. You might consider getting a cat and letting it roam around.

Basically, if you live in an area with plenty of rodent activity, you’ll need to stay vigilant. If you don’t, the result could be a nice big repair bill in your future.

Sources: Detroit Free Press, New York Times

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