Driver Said His Car Was Stolen After Being Clocked Speeding

Jul 25, 2023 1 min read
Driver Said His Car Was Stolen After Being Clocked Speeding

Don’t do this…

It constantly amazes us the things drivers will do to try weaseling out of a speeding ticket. One of the more extreme examples, aside from leading police on a dangerous pursuit for miles and miles, comes via Malaga, Spain where a 45-year-old man reported his car as stolen rather than fess up that he was traveling at more than double the speed limit.

Watch a billionaire get cited for speeding on his own island here.

According to Sur, the suspect was clocked by a Guardia Civil traffic patrol doing 223 kmh in a 100 kmh zone. That’s over double the speed limit if you want to use the metric system like some European. For our mostly American readers, the guy was reportedly going about 138 mph in a 62 mph zone. So he was driving like he was ripping a quarter-mile run when in fact he should’ve been cruising at about regular freeway speeds.

From the report, it sounds like the guy got away, so we’re guessing police in Spain or at least in that region have a no pursuit policy? Or is it possible they were driving some ultra-slow plastic ball on wheels with a shoebox-sized engine, provided by SEAT? The report doesn’t tell us any of those juicy details or what the suspect was driving, which we’re just going to imagine was a BMW for no specific reason.

Realizing police got his license plate info, the guy allegedly launched a plot to get out of the speeding ticket. Investigators were able to determine he was the one in the car, not a supposed thief, probably from all the Big Brother traffic cameras that are all over certain parts of Europe.

Now the guy is facing not only the speeding ticket but also will be charged for filing a false police report.

Image via Roberto Nickson

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