Check Out This Cubed Porsche 911

May 8, 2024 2 min read
Check Out This Cubed Porsche 911

This atrocity was done in the name of “art.”

Modern art has really gone off the rails and it’s been going on for some time. If this is a shock to you, likely you haven’t been paying much attention to the art world. However, after seeing a new Porsche 911 cubed supposedly to create a masterpiece you’ll have a better appreciation for the ridiculous garbage which passes for aesthetic beauty in some circles.

image credit: YouTube

Back in 2006 a German artist got the brilliant idea for a new sculpture: put a Porsche 997 in a crusher and have it cubed. That seems like so little effort compared to Michelangelo sculpting David for 2 years, but as we’re sure the art crowd will be quick to point out, we’re just some gearheads who “obviously” know nothing about aesthetic beauty and creating something from scratch (insert plenty of sarcasm here).

image credit: YouTube

About the only cool/interesting thing about the video is how the artist placed several cameras inside the car. When the top is crushed the camera switches to show the dash buckling and accordioning as well as everything else in the cabin shifting and crunching. While it’s interesting to see, we still don’t think a perfectly good Porsche had to die in such a horrific way.

image credit: YouTube

Even more ridiculous is how in the video towards the end you see the crushed 911 on a pedestal in some European art gallery. In the foreground of the shot is a glass vase which looks like it might have been hand blown. It’s a thing of beauty, in part because the artist took raw materials and made something interesting and useful out of it.

image credit: YouTube

Then there’s the other piece of “art” which is a thing which was created out of raw materials, then was destroyed supposedly to make some significant statement. Really, what this accomplishes is a clear illustration for how some have zero appreciation for true beauty in form but instead will destroy what’s wonderful in their pursuit of tacky art.

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